How to Make Room for More Money,
More Business and More Life!
Dear Phenomenal Woman,
- Do you avoid conversations about money?
- Do you want to finally get past what’s been holding you back from making more, having more and keeping more money?
- Are you ready to feel more empowered with money?
Then it’s time we talk about that very “sticky” subject. Your MONEY.
It’s my passion and purpose to empower and uplift the earning power of women so they can fully step into their own gifts and ability to make a difference in others’ lives.
It’s amazing how quickly you can see results when you DECIDE to have a shift in your money mindset.
The KEY paradigm in this program is this:
How you Do MONEY is How You Do Everything.
I really want you to think about this for a moment and consider that it is true.
- What are your behavior patterns with regard to money? Are they positive or negative?
- How do you feel emotionally and energetically when spending money, making money and saving money?
- How does it impact your personal relationships with your spouse (or ex-spouse), friends, colleagues, business partners or your clients?
Right now I want you to think about your BIGGEST money issue. It could be that you’re afraid to charge more. It could be that you’re in debt. It could be that you owe someone money or they owe you money. It could be financial issues in your marriage. It might be that you have no savings and you’re afraid for your future.
Do you feel fear? Panic? What will people think? Do you feel an energy of contraction? Do you feel a twinge in your gut when you think about this money issue?
There is often a lot of “yucky stuff” surrounding our money mindset and it’s very real for women.
It’s time to stop letting this HOLD YOU BACK.
Here's the solution: my 30-day online course called CLEAR YOUR MONEY CLUTTER BREAKTHROUGH PROGRAM.
In this CLEAR YOUR MONEY CLUTTER BREAKTHROUGH PROGRAM , I will personally walk you through the 8 Steps to Clear Your Money Clutter (including super-practical steps and exercises to clear out the junk), my exclusive Diamond Conversation™ Model for leading a difficult conversation about money, and the 3 Steps to make way for your next level of increase in abundance.
Here is what your three modules will cover:
● How to Change your Money Mindset
● Clear out the gunk and money clutter in your life (You know that stack of bills? Those sticky conversations you've been avoiding?)
● Start having feelings of expansion rather than contraction about money
● Attract more money and more clients
● Powerful Money Conversations: how to have a difficult conversation about money (with your spouse, your boss, your financial advisor)
● Create your Action Plan to increase your Income and your Savings
As soon as you register for the CLEAR YOUR MONEY CLUTTER BREAKTHROUGH PROGRAM, you will begin the course! You will receive one training module each week over 30 Days, delivered right to your inbox!
Module #1: Practical
"The 6 Top Practical Steps to 'Clear Your Money Clutter' Quickly and Easily So You Can Create a Smoother Path to Greater Prosperity"
- Super-easy practical steps you can take right away that will lift your energy with money
Module #2: Relationships
"How to Confidently Talk About Money With Grace and Ease, Even When It's a 'Difficult' Conversation"
- Get over your avoidance of potentially uncomfortable conversations around Money, and confidently master your boundaries with money
Module #3: Increase!
"How to Get Ready and Get Out of Your Way, So You Don't Self-Sabotage Your Next Income Leap"
- Learn the Powerful Formula to prepare yourself for the financial increase you've been waiting for
PLUS You Will Receive These Awesome BONUSES:
Complete MP3 Recordings of each Clear Your Money Clutter Module
- Recordings will be sent directly to your Inbox, and are yours to keep forever
Downloadable Transcripts of Each Call
- I know how you love taking notes. So I’m providing you with transcripts of each call. You can read them online or download and print to access easily
Downloadable Templates, Scripts and Checklists
- You can use these over and over again
Heal your biggest money issue with the Money Breakthrough Method® in a private 30 minute call with me!
The Money Breakthrough Method® is a series of seven simple questions I will walk you through that will quickly and magically transform any money issue, drama or situation into clarity, forgiveness and empowerment. This powerful model is elegant, authentic and you're not going to believe how much freedom and confidence you experience as a result of my coaching you through it.
You will walk away with a NEW MONEY MINDSET and ACTION steps to clear this money issue once and for all.
Here's what my clients say about the Money Breakthrough Method®:
"I have spent a lot of time (and money) on personal development and felt that I had 'cleared' my negative money story, so I was surprised to discover that there was an underlying belief that was negatively impacting my success. Carrie helped me see that belief in action and how it had been preventing me from getting the financial results I want (and deserve!) in my business." Tammy Vigue www.tammyvigue.com
I reserve my 1:1 time for my private clients, who invest at a much higher level to gain private access to my strategic brain and get the breakthroughs they want to move their business forward.
The value of this Money Breakthrough Session with me is $297
I want to support your best success in this program, so I am thrilled to be able to bring you an additional Bonus Gift! My good friend Melody LeBaron - the Transforming Space Goddess - agreed to do a BONUS CALL for you!! Melody is not only a Professional Organizer Extraordinaire, she is a Feng Shui Consultant and Kundalini Yoga Instructor. She knows a thing or two about clearing clutter!
Melody shares her best tips for organizing and feng sheu-ing your home and office to provide a Sacred Space to hold your Big Vision for your Work in the World - and that is going to help support you in implementing your Action Plan in the CLEARING YOUR MONEY CLUTTER BREAKTHROUGH PROGRAM.
The value of this bonus module with Melody is $97
"Before taking the Clear Your Money Clutter Breakthrough Program,
I felt constricted about money and held myself at a distance to it.
I thought I didn't "need" money, so I gave too much away.
Carrie helped me release restricted beliefs, agreements and ways of treating myself that I’d held in my subconscious.
Now, my energy with money has totally shifted - I have strong boundaries with others and I have the systems I need to support the flow of money and better discipline in tracking money." |
Now, I know what you’re thinking:
"Wow! This is awesome. So, Carrie, what’s the Investment for this phenomenal Value?"
I have a special investment offer so that you can get started right away to clear out your money junk, and experience a money breakthrough NOW, in the next 30 days.
The value of this package and the transformational results you will experience is well over $497. Your one time investment in this CLEARING YOUR MONEY CLUTTER PROGRAM with all the bonuses?
only $197
If you are finally ready to clear out your money gunk, and move forward into expansion and greater prosperity, then go ahead and invest in this program.
That’s right, your investment in clearing out your money junk and getting a breakthrough that will launch you into greater clarity and financial abundance is only $197.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an online course?
An online course delivers curriculum to you on a weekly basis which gives you the control to determine your best time to do the work. Whether your best times are mornings or evenings, you’ll be able to listen to the recorded sessions with Carrie at your convenience. The Course Sessions with Carrie are recorded in advance, but the Q&A session will be live, scheduled for the third week of the month (with recordings posted afterwards). Participants are also invited to post reflections on our special online Community Forum and to interact with other participants.
Do I need any special equipment?
The only equipment you’ll need is a computer with an internet connection and a phone or SKYPE line to participate in the interactive sessions.
What if I miss the live Q&A?
Don’t worry, the Q&A session is recorded and the audio available for you to download from the online community forum afterwards. In fact, many people who take the course are unable to attend the Q&A session live, and they report that their experience is just as powerful.
Take a moment to consider the COST of holding onto this money issue and your money clutter. It costs you financially, spiritually, emotionally and energetically. How much “yucky” energy do you put forth towards your money? Are you excited to check your bank account or to pay your bills, or do you approach it with DREAD? How can you expand your MONEY POTENTIAL and attract more business and more high paying clients when you are bogged down by money woes and stagnant energy?
Money likes to flow.
I truly believe in the power of women to change the world – when we are empowered to grow financially – and it’s my passion to help you grow as I have and as I voraciously continue to grow.
There is no stopping us when we have the right tools and the right mindset.
Register today to get your CLEAR YOUR MONEY CLUTTER BREAKTHROUGH Package for only $197.
YOU are worth the investment a thousand times over!
I can't wait to speak with you soon!
To your prosperity,
P.S. You may have read this and thought “this isn’t for me or, not right now,” but I believe you know a woman for whom this Program is PERFECT, and the investment cannot be beat. Give the gift of sharing this with your girlfriends who truly need a money breakthrough. For the small investment they will make, the rewards will be triple and quadruple that amount. I appreciate your referrals and your willingness to share with your friends or loved ones who truly need this right now.
If you would like to book Carrie Gallant to deliver her signature talk "Claim Your Power With Money" at your event, please let us know what you have in mind.
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Gallant Solutions Inc.
Suite 152 - 2906 West Broadway
Vancouver BC Canada V6K 2G8
Tel: 778-329-8634
Email: carrie@gallantsolutionsinc.com